Här är veckans mest inspirerande Instagram-konto

I danske globetrottern Allan Torps populära Instagramkonto får vi ta del av fantastiska resor, miljöer och interiörer.


Vad hittar vi i ditt bildgalleri?

–  Mitt flöde är en blandning av min vardag, resor, design, mat och allt runtomkring mig som jag tycker är vackert och blir inspirerad av. Mitt galleri fungerar lika mycket som en inspirationskälla för mig som för mina följare.

Varifrån hämtar du störst inspiration till fotograferandet?

– Jag lägger ner mycket tid på att studera och inspireras av hur andra Instagrammare tar bilder, och givetvis skapa min egen stil. Genom åren har jag säkert utvecklat min egen stil och kan snabbt avgöra om ett upplägg kommer att göra sig bra på bild.

Hur ofta reser du?

– Minst en gång i månaden. Resten av året ska jag till Sankt Petersburg, Wien, Leipzig, Los Angeles, Kapstaden och möjligtvis en resa till Cannes och Belek i Turkiet.

Hur tänker du när du gör ett inlägg?

– Ljuset har en stor betydelse. Om det inte är rätt, blir inte bilden särskilt bra. Tar man bilder med sin iPhone kan de blir gryniga, särskilt om de ska efterbearbetas.


Vilket är ditt favoritfoto på Instagram och varför?

– Jag vet inte om jag har en favorit, jag har flera. Jag är väldigt förtjust i en bild min mamma tog av mig på Bolias design award i somras samt mina resebilder eftersom de alltid framkallar fina minnen. Det här är en av mina favoritplatser i New York en kall vårmorgon.

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset


Vart tror du att trenden med inredningskonton kommer att ta vägen?

– För mig handlar det väldigt mycket om att förnya sig och att man skapar sin egen stämning och feed.  Folk följer en för den stil man har och inte plötsligt för att man vill se bilder på katter eller från en utekväll. Jag är väl medveten om de flesta följer mig på grund av mina interiörbilder, men jag vill också visa vem jag är. Därför jag fokuserar jag också på att lägga upp bilder av min  livsstil, vilket jag tycker är mer inspirerande.


Vilka instagram-konton inspirerar dig mest just nu?

– New Yorker-Instagrammaren @aguynamedpatrick, gör det riktigt bra. Jag tycker också att @brightbazaar är duktig på att blanda sina bilder. Och jag älskar @alonavibe, hon har dessutom en del bra texter. Jag gillar när en bild följs upp av en bra text, så det inte bara blir #blessed eller något annat nonsens.

Här hittar du Allans Instagram-konto.

Allan Torp

Ålder: 36

Bor: København

Familj: Singel

Yrke: Bloggare

Walking around the Winter Palace and Hermitage Museum was an overwelming experience, each room was more impressive and decadent than the other. It even got to a point where even the most golden and overpainted room was like "meh, I've seen better rooms".
Walking around the Winter Palace and Hermitage Museum was an overwelming experience, each room was more impressive and decadent than the other. It even got to a point where even the most golden and overpainted room was like ”meh, I’ve seen better rooms”.  
Can't really believe that I have lived in Copenhagen my entire life and not once before been inside the marble church! I have admired it many times from the outside, but I guess there is a first to everything.
Can’t really believe that I have lived in Copenhagen my entire life and not once before been inside the marble church! I have admired it many times from the outside, but I guess there is a first to everything.  
There are many great hotels in Barcelona I am sure; I have only stayed in a handful. Just as in Copenhagen, it is difficult to select which ones is good, which is bad, and which is just way too touristy, if you know what I mean. Of course money is always also a fact to consider, at my recent trip, I was invited to stay at the former headquarters of the city’s cotton guild, now @cottonhousehotel.
There are many great hotels in Barcelona I am sure; I have only stayed in a handful. Just as in Copenhagen, it is difficult to select which ones is good, which is bad, and which is just way too touristy, if you know what I mean. Of course money is always also a fact to consider, at my recent trip, I was invited to stay at the former headquarters of the city’s cotton guild, now @cottonhousehotel.  
Okay, one more picture from todays marathon walk at #isaloni2016 before I surrender myself to a night with wine.
Okay, one more picture from todays marathon walk at #isaloni2016 before I surrender myself to a night with wine.  
Whole life is a search for beauty. But, when the beauty is found inside, the search ends and a beautiful journey begins. Just remember that before you judge anyone or anything on the outside. This building is just a tired white university that could really benifit from a fresh coat of paint, but as soon as you walk inside, you are blown away. Always give someone a change before you just venture onwards.
Whole life is a search for beauty. But, when the beauty is found inside, the search ends and a beautiful journey begins.
Just remember that before you judge anyone or anything on the outside. This building is just a tired white university that could really benifit from a fresh coat of paint, but as soon as you walk inside, you are blown away. Always give someone a change before you just venture onwards.
Wishing everyone a great start to the new week. I am giving my green friends some extra TLC this AM. I hope you all had a fab weekend? Have a magical Monday.
Wishing everyone a great start to the new week. I am giving my green friends some extra TLC this AM. I hope you all had a fab weekend? Have a magical Monday.  
So thats where I parked my bike.
So thats where I parked my bike.  
Can we seriously just take a moment to fully capture the beauty of this morning setting at the @hennekirkebykro?
Can we seriously just take a moment to fully capture the beauty of this morning setting at the @hennekirkebykro?  
When everything seems like a dead end, just turn around and find another way. Don't be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.
When everything seems like a dead end, just turn around and find another way. Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.  
Visiting the house of some our greatest painters, Anna Brøndum and Michael Ancher. The house is full of their paintings and is pretty much untouched since their death in the 30s. Extremely interesting seeing the many great painting, some also painted by their friend P.S. Krøyer.
Visiting the house of some our greatest painters, Anna Brøndum and Michael Ancher. The house is full of their paintings and is pretty much untouched since their death in the 30s. Extremely interesting seeing the many great painting, some also painted by their friend P.S. Krøyer.  

Läs mer: 

Veckans mest inspirerande Instagram-konto v.40

Veckans mest inspirerande Instagram-konto v.39

Veckans mest inspirerande Instagram-konto v.38
